Root Cause Analysis
The Root Cause Analysis is based on the premise that all the problems have a root cause, even if you can't see it at first sight.
Just image that a group of students evaluation test results was being analyzed. The initial investigation pointed to the fact that the lower grades were due to the fact that the test was realized in the last period of the school. After further investigation, it was found that during that time, the students don't have so much ability to focus. Even further investigation discovered that most of the students were hungry at the time. So, the root cause for the low scores obtained by the students was hunger. The solution to this problem is to anticipate the test hour to right after lunch.
Just image that a group of students evaluation test results was being analyzed. The initial investigation pointed to the fact that the lower grades were due to the fact that the test was realized in the last period of the school. After further investigation, it was found that during that time, the students don't have so much ability to focus. Even further investigation discovered that most of the students were hungry at the time. So, the root cause for the low scores obtained by the students was hunger. The solution to this problem is to anticipate the test hour to right after lunch.