A. Voice of the customer
Six Sigma Certification Exam Questions with Answers
(Based on ASQ Black Belt BOK topics)
IV. Define
A. Voice of the customer
1) After successfully completing green belt six sigma training, Jason learned that __________ customers are the ones whose ultimate satisfaction leads to increased profitability.
a) internal b) external c) specific d) sporadic 2) A company named SIX SIGMA CERTIFICATION LTD is set to collect information about its training delivery preferences among yellow, green and black belt candidates. Which of the listed data collection methods can the company use? a) Written survey b) Focus group c) In-person interview d) All of the above 3) Lean six sigma certification holders know that QFD provides a process for planning new or redesigned products and services and stands for:
1) Quota Function Definition 2) Quality Figure Definition 3) Quotient Function Derivative 4) Quality Function Deployment 4) Which of the following sets represents four dimensions (axes) of the model? a) Insufficiency>Sufficiency>Satisfaction>Dissatisfaction b) Satisfaction>Dissatisfaction>Attractive>Unattractive c) Plus incentive>Minus incentive> Attractive>Unattractive d) High>Low>Increased>Decreased 5) In Kano’s model ______________ characteristics refer to features the customer does not want and whose presence causes dissatisfaction: a) neutral b) negative c) defective d) reversal |
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